Copy and Paste Resume Information

When recruiters cut and paste a resume from a document that was created using a word processor, the software may insert invisible characters that may not allow the resume to be successfully saved.  

To prevent this from occurring, we recommend that recruiters cut and paste only text into the resume and introduction letter fields in the online application.

To paste a resume from Microsoft Word 

  1. In Microsoft Word, go to File > Save As.

  2. In the "Save as type" field, select Plain Text (*.txt).

  3. Save the text document to a location where you can easily find it.

  4. Close Microsoft Word.

  5. Using Notepad or WordPad, open the new text document.

  6. Correct the format of your resume by adding spaces to align fields or by adding asterisks to denote bulleted items.

  7. Go to Edit > Select All.

  8. Go to Edit > Copy.

  9. Paste the text into the candidate's Resume field in the PeopleFluent Staffing Agency Portal.

Additional Information

The Candidates Frame

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Some functions described in these files are dependent on assigned permissions and may not be available to all users.


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