Change Locale Settings

Localization is a feature that allows the presentation and entry of data based on a user's preferred selections. The locale setting also determines the language in which the application is displayed for the user based on the user's selected preferences, the available presentations, and the organization's default presentation.  If the user's preferred language is not supported for an application, the organization's default language presentation will be displayed when the user accesses the application.

Other options determined by the locale settings include the default time zone, decimal and thousands separators, and date / time formats.

To set or change locale preferences

  1. Go to Global Header > My Account.

  2. Click Change Locale Settings on the main navigation panel.

  3. Update settings as required.

Additional Information

Change Locale Settings Page Field Descriptions

About the My Account Page.

Some functions described in these files are dependent on assigned permissions and may not be available to all users.


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